Free Timetable Template for High School

Free Timetable Template for High School

There’s truly nothing worse than receiving a computer generated timetable for your child. It’s usually in grey scale, full of acronyms and hard to read, even for parents. My daughter received something like this on her first day of high school last week....
My First Thoughts on High School

My First Thoughts on High School

Gilbert started high school this week. Image courtesy ABC Newcastle It’s been something we’ve been planning for, dreading and awaiting, for quite a long time now. In some ways, the long summer holidays were a cruel test for Gilbert. While, he enjoyed...
Trusting your instincts

Trusting your instincts

One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced over the years as a special needs parent has been identifying when I should trust my instincts. From the beginning, I’ve experienced a constant battle between head and heart. Like all mothers, I’ve wanted to...