Feeling Human

I am feeling human again. I have been on auto-pilot recently, just going through the motions, trying to keep it all together and not forget the essentials (you know, ensure all 3 kids are with me in the car in the mornings, that sort of thing…) But tonight I...

Maintaining My Mental Health

I, like many other people, have suffered bouts of depression throughout my life. I am not ashamed to admit this or to admit that I have been prescribed anti-depressants or that I have had to take leave from work to deal with my mental health. Luckily I have always...

I AM Lucky

I am ashamed to admit that I have been feeling a little negative lately.  I don’t really have much to complain about but returning to work and the grind of the daily routine have brought me down.  But, I have found some much needed perspective recently and have...