The heading says it all.
This year, the kids seem to be doing so much better at school. Gilbert is certainly more settled and has already developed a genuine rapport with his new teacher. She is truly lovely. She is young and energetic and is already coming to appreciate his unique personality.
She has made a genuine effort get to know him and share in his successes. At the end of last week she stayed back to tell me how proud she was that Gilbert had actually participated in a full PE class, where he managed to outrun everyone else in OzTag. Gilbert told me he ran so hard that he made his head steam.
Then he demonstrated his running technique to me, clearly proud of his achievement.ย All I know is that watching his enthusiasm for running made me smile from ear to ear.
I was similarly proud to watch him participate in his new after school activity. He has joined the Au:Sum program at a local rock school where kids on the autism spectrum are brought together in a band to learn to work together, play an instrument and be real rockers.
Again it is a case of so far, so good.
Matilda has been able to overcome her obvious anxieties and verbalise her feelings to avoid full meltdowns at school. Her new teacher is also making the effort to get to know her and has been very accommodating when it comes to her sensory needs in the classroom. Considering she has had the same teacher for the last 2 years, I’m so proud of Matilda’s efforts to get used to her new one.
I’m also proud that she has taken up dancing again. There was a moment in the tap part of her class where the noise was overwhelming but she worked through it and is looking forward to going back. She is a born performer and I hope her love of dancing can overcome any future nerves or anxiety.
And Delilah? She just grows cuter, and more mischievous and even more adventurous with every passing day. She adores her Fridays at her new daycare centre and has taken to playing with her new friends there like a duck to water. She loves her Saturday morning swimming lessons too (pity I don’t share her enthusiasm for the 7.30am start!) and is even starting to get the hang of toilet training.
As for me? I’m struggling a little at the moment. I’m returning to work on Fridays now so I need to get my head back into the 5 day work week again. I’ve lost some blogging mojo too but I’m sure it will come back, it never deserts me for long.
The long term question will be how in heavens do I fit everything in?
Somehow I would like to fit in regular blogging with working 5 days, ferrying the kids to after school activities, organising specialist appointments and maintaining the house. While having a life too, somewhere in there.
So blogging may be a little more sporadic around here while I settle myself into my new normal. Real life is, after all, a little more important, isn’t it? But for now, I’m pleased to report that it’s so far, so good. And that’s good enough for me.
Real life is the most important of all! 5 days with kids is tough, so go easy on yourself.
Thanks Lydia – I am trying to, but it’s not easy!
Sometimes blogging has to stand aside for real life. Good luck starting back at work full time. X
Thanks Zanni – it has been a crazy few weeks but I’m slowly getting there!
Glad to hear that all is so far so good lovely. It is the same here but I am very much struggling at fitting it all in. Especially the house, oh how I struggle there, I wonder how people manage it actually. Hope things keep going well for you
Thanks Rhi. The kids are going great guns but I’m still trying to work out how I’m going to fit it all in. If it makes you feel better, I’ve given up on my house – I have zero chance of getting it in order!
oh i am glad it is all so far so good – it is hard juggling everything but you will find a groove that works for you whateve that looks like xx
Thanks Lyndal – I’m still looking for that groove but I’m sure I will find it eventually!
I’m glad to hear they are doing well, and LOVE the sound of Rock School! But I do know all too well, the flatness and collapse that happens after you’ve settled them back in. Especially the additional needs ones x
Oh yes. I’m still waiting for the inevitable rebound – it’s not a matter of if, but when. We hit the wall in Week 5 last year, so it probably won’t be too far away…until then I’m savouring the positive vibes!
Glad to hear that everything is so far so good. I was grinning when I read the part about Gilbert running so fast he had steam coming out of his ears, so I can only imagine the pride you feel to know that he is enjoying himself at school. I hope that everything continues to be so far so good and you work out a way to fit everything in.
Thanks Tegan. You know, he has been loving sport ever since and got worried today when it looked like it was going to rain and wash it out! Who knew that would last?
I’m trying to fit everything in here too Kirsty! I think if we could just manage to grab a few extra hours in our day, we’d be right! But we’d probably fill those too, and still need more.
So glad to hear that everything is still going well. It takes an absolute load off, doesn’t it? ๐
We need clones Tracey! That would sort us both out!!!
Oh they all sound like they are going so well this year. I adore the thought of Au:Sum, that must be such a wonderful program.
It is a fantastic program and Gilbert has thrived in it. He even came up with the title of the song they will record and has already made some new friends in the process. I can’t recommend it enough!
That Au:Sum programme sounds wonderful, wish they had things like that when I was growing up. Sigh. Anyway glad it’s going well.
I’m struggling to commit to blogging as much as I’d like with 3 kids, and I’m not working outside the home, so I seriously have no idea how anyone does that. Hats off to you. xo
I’m a glutton for punishment and completely nuts Ness – that’s what’s worked for me so far, anyway!
I am also finding it hard to fit life in at the moment! And real life has to take precedent for sure, but it’s hard when I would much rather be doing what I want. Am very happy your children are so happy and had a visual image of your son roaring around the house – CUTE ๐
I completely understand Em – blogging is my hobby and it cuts me to have to reduce it back. Gilbert has been showing off his running ‘technique’ for the last few weeks and even asked for healthy type things for his upcoming birthday – where has my real son gone????
It is so hard to fit everything in. Family comes first though and everything else comes second. Enjoy what you can do ๐
Thanks Eleise. I’m still trying to find some balance but I am getting there, slowly but surely!
We have to fit in so much dont we! I have a job interview next week and I have no idea how Im going to do it all too! I guess we just will! xx Lovely to hear your kids are settling in well xx
You do it when you have to but I know that I am going to struggle to keep going at this pace forever. I hope your interview went well and good luck for fitting it all in!
I don’t know how you do it already! I hope you can settle into a routine, and still get a little you time.
You time? What’s that???? ๐
Glad to hear that everyone is going well! I have no idea how you will manage to fit in blogging as well as everything else though, I used to struggle when I worked 5 days a week and I didn’t have any kids then!
My blogging has suffered a little but I’m still keen to keep I Must Confess going. I’m just going to have to learn to bulk write posts – not my usual style at all, but desperate times… ๐
It’s so good to hear about a passionate teacher & the positive effects she has. I hate it when things seem to be going TOO smoothly, I worry what lays lurking around the corner, but that is my pesimistic side. Must remain positive.
I’m the same. Things are still going well but I haven’t relaxed just yet…just waiting for the inevitable rebound, it’s bound to happen soon…
I love your kids names!!!
The names actually belong to their teddy bears but we use them here on the blog instead of their real ones. I think they are very funky and suits them nearly as well as their real ones!
So far so good, is a great way to start the year. What will be will be. You’ll work it all out in the end. ๐
That is very true Danya – in the meantime I’ll soak up the good times and continue to be proud of how far my kiddos have come!
I’m so glad the kids are going great guns! I hope your mojo comes back soon and you re-adjust to the 5 day work week. Big boos to that! ๐ x Aroha
Big boos indeed! It’s been a challenging transition but I’m hoping it will settle down soon. It has to, hasn’t it???
I’m happy to hear that your kids are settling well at school/daycare. Good luck with your back at work and fitting everything in. Take your time to work out what’s the best way for you and your family to do it.
Thanks Rita. I feel a bit better for getting my situation out there, hoping that takes the pressure off blogging for a bit while I sort myself out!
It’s such a balance isn’t it? I think juggling life online vs real life can be very hard. Glad your kids have settled- I hope you find your blogging mojo soon ๐
Thanks Robyn. I hope I find it soon too!