I wrote a post recently about feeling human again, about taking time-out from being a wife and mum and just being me for a while.

And it got me thinking about how very grateful I am for having the chance to have some time-out. The chances don’t come along every day and are not usually of great duration, but they are so very necessary to my mental health and to my innate happiness as a person.

It is so easy to just “go on” through life, going through the motions but not really being engaged in what you are doing.

When life seems to whizz by at a relentless pace how can you savour everything and “be in the moment”?

I feel like I have been living in a haze lately. My focus has been on my kids and organizing specialist appointments and ensuring we have the necessary paperwork and money to attend these appointments.

I feel burdened by the responsibility of making decisions for them, for ensuring I follow through on all the referrals and homework therapy. All this on top of my existing commitments to my job, my ongoing household chores, my relationship with my husband and everything else…

I basically forgot about me as a person – I kept pushing my needs to the side because I felt they were insignificant in relation to everyone else’s. But they are not and I should not feel guilty for needing some time to rediscover me or for wanting to be someone other than just my children’s mother for 2 hours.

It is no surprise that I needed a break of some kind – I truly believe there is only so much the human brain can take in and only so much a person can take on!

So last night’s time-out came at just the right time for me. It acted like a circuit breaker and reset my emotions. I feel better able to cope with everything today than I did yesterday. I know this feeling will fade and the other worries will start creeping back in but, for now, all is well.

So today I am grateful for the opportunity to have some time-out and the chance to feel more human again.


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