First off, I’m thankful that I have been given an unexpected opportunity to blog today. Gilbert was in sore need of a mental health day and after trying to work on him this morning to get him off to school, I took a good look at him and realised that he really did need a day at home.

And to be completely honest, after the pace I’ve been living at lately, so did I.

So here we are. And here I am!

I’m thankful that my father is okay. He had a health scare this week that has landed him in hospital. He is still there and far from well but he is a lot better than he was earlier in the week – things are definitely looking more promising now.

I’m thankful that the hairdresser who finally gave Gilbert a long overdue haircut this week had already got around to his back and sides before discovering he had head lice. She had to leave the haircut there but at least I only got to mangle the top of his hair!

2013-11-07 13.17.05
2013-11-07 13.16.20

2013-11-07 13.16.33I think I’ll go back to my desk job!

I’m thankful that we now have an appointment with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) next week so we can start working on a plan for Gilbert to increase his independence and support him as he approaches his teenage years. I will let you know how we go.

I’m thankful to have the opportunity to be heading to my 20 year school reunion this weekend. I’m looking forward to catching up with long lost classmates and having a night out with my own tight-knit group of friends – it should be an awesome night!

I’m thankful for lots of other things too but I’d love to hear what you are thankful for today. Being thankful is nearly as good as making a confession and getting something off your chest – it truly is good for your soul.


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