I’ve been an autism parent for over 11 years now so it’s fair to say I’ve learned a few things along the way.
For instance I’ve learned that my kids need downtime each day or my life will be a whole lot harder than it needs to be. A whole lot harder.
I’ve learned that my kids never forget ANYTHING. A random promise or passing comment made two weeks, two months or even two years ago WILL come back to haunt me.
I’ve learned so many details about their respective special interests – Telstra payphones, Shopkins, escalators, Minecraft, ATMs, Five Nights of Freddys, space & the solar system and My Little Pony, for instance. Fascinating things that I never sought to know but now form part of my collective memory.
I’ve learned that I need to be very specific when it comes to making promises or I’ll find myself in a wee spot of trouble. This may have happened on more occasions than I care to remember…will I ever learn?
I’ve also learned there are so many positives that come with an autism diagnosis. Positives that have made me a better person and, I hope, a better parent for my children.
So in the interests of sharing some of my knowledge, I’ve put together 12 autism tips for everyday life. These are tips that will help in your interactions with anyone on the spectrum.
And you know what? They will also help you in your interactions with pretty much anyone – a lot of it comes down to courtesy and consideration – something we can all benefit from.
Autism Tip #1 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #2 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #3 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #4 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #5 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #6 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #7 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #8 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #9 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #10 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #11 www.myhometruths.com
Autism Tip #12 www.myhometruths.com
I hope these tips can help. If you do find any of these tips of value feel free to share this post or any of the tips individually. I would love for them to reach those who may need them most.
Linking up for the first time in ages with Jess for #IBOT.

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