Our war on head lice: Po-Lice Review

Our war on head lice: Po-Lice Review

Post in collaboration with Po-Lice “Kirsty Russell here, reporting from the front lines of the ongoing battle with our long-time foes, head lice. After nearly 8 years of battle, we are tired and exhausted. Our troops are reluctant to continue to engage in combat...

What Happens if I Drop My Hospital Cover?

Post in collaboration with Health Insurance Comparison If you are like me, you will have already received your notice of a premium increase from your private health insurance fund. I must confess I sometimes contemplate giving private health insurance away to save...
I don’t like asking for help

I don’t like asking for help

If you’ve taken the time to read through any of my posts here, this confession will probably not come as any sort of surprise. I really don’t like asking others for help. Call me stubborn or overly-ambitious or unrealistic. But I really hate having to seek...