The Positive Special Needs Parenting (PSNP) website and forums are designed to provide a safe place for parents, carers, teachers and providers to raise issues, seek advice and share knowledge. We understand discussions can get heated and we encourage freedom of speech. However, we expect participants to treat others with respect and courtesy.
Not Acceptable
We will not tolerate the following behaviour:
- Abuse including bad language
- Cyberbullying
- Personal attacks
- Racism, anti-semitism, sexism, homophobia or any other form of discrimination
- Sexually explicit posts
- Ban dodgers / suspended members
- Harassment
- Flaming, flooding, or spamming in forums (to disrupt discussion)
- Content that is in any way unlawful, threatening, offensive, bigoted, libellous, obscene, prejudicial to active legal proceedings, in contempt of court, or in breach of copyright
- The use of offensive names or nicknames
- Trolls
- Re-posting a previously deleted thread or post
- Instructions for illegal or otherwise harmful activities
- Links to pornography, pirated software and/or computer games, copyrighted material or other counterfeit goods
- Content that infringes any patent or trademark rights
- Collection or distribution of personal data concerning other members of the PSNP Community
- Impersonation of another person, whether a friend, family member, celebrity, forum member ot anyone else (including the use of Sockpuppets to dupe users)
- Chain letters, money making or pyramid schemes
- Organisation of raffles, lotteries or quizzes which involve the taking of money.
- Advertising products or services.
- Advertising job vacancies
- References to individual providers, schools, colleges or agencies – or their staff – whether by name, or identifiable by a pseudonym or any other means
Members should not act in any way to disrupt the flow of an ongoing discussion. If a member does not wish to participate in an ongoing discussion or wishes to discuss a non-related topic, they should begin another thread or go to the relevant Forum.
Your responsibilities
You may be held legally accountable for what you say or do online. In particular, you may be held liable for any defamatory comments, threats and untrue statements or other illegal or fraudulent claims made by you.
Your profile name(s) must not include words that are racist, profane, crude or otherwise offensive.
You may be held accountable for any breach of the rights of a third party if you have not obtained their prior consent to the use of their property.
You agree and warrant that you will comply with the terms imposed by the owner or licensor of any intellectual property rights as may exist in all software and information you access or post and to indemnify PSNP against any action or cost suffered or incurred by PSNP as a result of a breach by you of this term.
- PSNP does not undertake to monitor every communication or the conduct of every member of these forums. We operate a notice and take down policy known as reactive moderation.
- PSNP will use best endeavours to promptly remove content which is reported as being in breach of this Code of Conduct but cannot guarantee to do so.
- PSNP does not endorse any opinions expressed by members of these forums.
- PSNP reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove material at any time.
- PSNP accepts no liability in respect to the accuracy or truthfulness of any advice, information or data posted online or any responsibility for the consequences of your acting in reliance on such information.
- If you fail to observe these rules, PSNP reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to exclude you (either temporarily or permanently) from any part of the PSNP Website depending on the nature and severity of your breach.
- PSNP may release information about you (both present and past) to the relevant authorities where PSNP believes that you have breached the rules or have used PSNP to commit unlawful acts.
- PSNP also reserves the right to disclose your personal information where required to do so by law and where we deem it appropriate in response to complaints of a substantial nature.
Please note: Threads or posts may be deleted and members may be banned at the sole discretion of PSNP without notice.