by Kirsty | Jan 8, 2019 | Carer, Parents, Special Needs
A few years back I wrote a post detailing the new year resolutions I would love to make as a special needs parent. I’m sure you’d be able to probably relate to them as well: Being more patient Cutting myself more slack Not comparing myself or my kids to...
by Kirsty | Dec 28, 2018 | Education, Parents, Special Needs
For this week’s ‘5 Things’ post, I welcome James Thomas from Feel the Magic, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing grief education and support to bereaved children and their families. Feel the Magic aims to eliminate isolation in bereaved children by...
by Kirsty | Dec 24, 2018 | Parents, Relationships, Special Needs
The Reality Facing Special Needs Families at Christmas Christmas is literally around the corner. I know many of you will be worrying, stressing and dreading the day and what it will entail. …dealing with family who don’t seem to understand your needs....
by Kirsty | Dec 9, 2018 | Carer, Disability, Parents, Special Needs
Calling all parents and carers to children with disability or special needs. I need your input into the 2018 PSNP Parent Carer Survey. This survey is easy to complete (there’s only 6 questions in total) and will only take a few minutes of your time. The...
by Kirsty | Dec 3, 2018 | Disability, Parents
Today, December 3, is International Day for People with Disability (IDPwD). It’s a day to celebrate disability, support the disability community, recognise the continuing challenges they face and identify how we can work together to create a world that is more...
by Kirsty | Nov 19, 2018 | News
We were excited to be asked to share our story with Positive Partnerships for their new online learning module, An Introduction to Autism. They recently updated their online learning portal with updated information and videos to support families caring for a school...
by Kirsty | Nov 9, 2018 | Parents, Special Needs
Life can be a whirlwind as a special needs parent. Not only do you have all the normal responsibilities of a parent but you also have so much more on top of that: scheduling appointments planning outings explaining diagnoses following up on reports, funding and...
by Kirsty | Nov 2, 2018 | Parents, Special Needs
There’s so much advice out there for when kids are admitted to hospital for the first time. There are social stories, guides and tips available to address the unknowns and reassure your child that all will be well. Unfortunately, there are not quite as many...
by Kirsty | Oct 30, 2018 | Parents, Providers
Some of you may not know that I was a relationship manager in my previous life, before the stress of my caring roles took its toll and led me to make the hard decision to leave my position. I loved managing relationships. It was a role where I could do what I do best...
by Kirsty | Oct 22, 2018 | Parents, Special Needs
Post in collaboration with K-12 Inclusion As parents to three kids, two of whom have a range of diagnoses between them, accessing inclusive education has always been a priority for us. We’ve always believed that our kids, regardless of disability or diagnosis,...