My First Thoughts on High School

My First Thoughts on High School

Gilbert started high school this week. Image courtesy ABC Newcastle It’s been something we’ve been planning for, dreading and awaiting, for quite a long time now. In some ways, the long summer holidays were a cruel test for Gilbert. While, he enjoyed...
Starting High School with Albinism

Starting High School with Albinism

I must confess, my fingernails are all gone and I’m rather apprehensive as we approach Gilbert’s first day of high school. I know we’ve done all we can to prepare him for the new start in front of him but I still don’t know it that’s...

Then the Bubble Burst…

I feel low today. Disappointed. Depressed. Gilbert was suspended from school yesterday until Monday morning and it feels like I’ve been dealt a heavy body blow. Things were going well. His first 4 weeks passed without incident or concern. He seemed happy, the...