I have so much to share. It’s been an amazing week. I’m still trying to take it all in. My mind is officially blown.
Where do I start?
Problogger. PBevent was awesome. I will have more to write and share and muse over in future posts but it was so worth the effort and the expense of going. To say I have come back with renewed energy and motivation to write and strive would be a massive understatement!
Because my Dropbox is full and iCloud is giving me the heebie-jeebies I will have to share photos of the awesome peeps I met there in another post. But I was blessed to meet some of my favourite bloggers and was honoured to meet some of “my tribe” over the weekend. You know who you are and will be named and shamed in a future post!!!!
But I will leave you with a photo of Nathan and myself at the Ahoy! event on Friday night…
Aside from Problogger, just having a few days alone with my husband, without the constant clamour of the kids, was incredible. We reconnected and savoured each other’s company. We soaked in all the learning and enjoyed developing new dreams for our future. It was a wonderful and much needed escape for both of us – we can only get stronger from here 🙂
Also, how could you not enjoy the Gold Coast in winter? It was a very welcome break away from the recent rains experienced in NSW. Although I must confess that walking along the beach is pleasant in any weather…
If that wasn’t enough, I received some other news.
I received word that I will be formally receiving an offer of a redundancy and I have decided to accept it. The numbers add up and my eyes were seriously opened after I saw a financial planner for the first time last Wednesday.
Also, spending a weekend listening to the likes of Rand Fishkin, Chris Ducker, Matthew Michalewicz and Pat Flynn, who have all left secure jobs and made a much happier and successful life for themselves, has left me more inspired and certain that this step is the right one for me.
It’s scary to be leaving a secure position, especially with an employer I have served for nearly 20 years. But it’s time. I’m ready to try something new. I have a whole second part of my working life ahead of me and I’m determined to finally take a chance and see just what I can do.
Safety and contentment are not enough for me anymore. At the ripe old age of 39 I think it’s time I finally take a deep breathe and take that leap of faith I have always dreamed of.
So what am I going to do with myself?
I will be running my own business, of course!
I have established Double Scoop Consulting where I will be offering my services in corporate writing, tender preparation, project planning and general consultancy. I figure I have nearly 20 years of public service experience – surely my extensive skills can be utilised by businesses wanting to work with government agencies or by companies wanting to polish their communications?
I already have an ABN, a business name, a domain name and website (not available for public consumption yet). I even have some snazzy business cards to share. All I need now are some test clients (to obtain testimonials and work samples) and I’ll be ready to live the dream.
Funnily enough, walking away from a secure position and into the uncertain world of self-employment was not a dream of mine 6 months ago. I was content to keep on keeping on – if it ain’t broke, why fix it?
A near death experience (my stress-induced-event-that-may-have-been-a-stroke) has a funny way of turning everything upside down.
Suddenly you are broken – emotionally and psychologically.
Your values are challenged. Your priorities shift.
Overnight, things that were so important the day before are suddenly and definitively meaningless.
I now know that I cannot continue in my current role. Despite loving it and gaining great pride and satisfaction in doing a good job, it is not good for me. And while I have taken steps to try and minimise the load (working from home and having more regular days off) deep down, I know it isn’t enough.
My dream now, is to be able to work from home and be there for my kids, whenever they need me. It’s being able to go to all their school functions without the stress of having to make up the time with “the boss”.
My dream now is to write for a living. To help others succeed through the power of communication. To inspire others through the blog.
It’s time to start chasing my dreams!
This is the second mention of My Tribe, I’ve spotted since ProBlogger. I must confess, the first time I saw it, I thought ‘in’ group and pretty much decided when it comes to blogging, I don’t think I will ever be part of a tribe.
Pleased to hear about your redundancy news and can’t wait to see your business unfold.
My tribe are you guys – those that link up with IMC, those who support each other during the week and leave awesome comments. We may not be the “in” group but I would prefer hanging out with all of you than with anyone else. Looking forward to finally meeting you once you are feeling better Raych x
Rachael, you are part of ‘my tribe’.
My tribe is all those that ‘get’ what I am doing on the internet. All those that understand my words, read them and look forward to more. My tribe are those people that want more from their life than just going along with the norm. My tribe have a belief in food as healing, ask questions and keep searching for the meaning in life even when there is no evidence around them that such a thing exists.
You, my dear, as so much a part of my tribe that we talk daily and y husband knows you by name. xS
Yeah, I see a tribe as being REALLY different to a clique. My tribe are a whole lot of randoms, some don’t even know each other. They’re just individual blogging blokes and chicks who resonate with me—it’s not a “group” in the traditional sense at all! Kx
Good for you! It will take off, as you have a plan! So good luck and enjoy….I am very taken with the line from Predestination “It’s never too late to be the person you might have been” (if this was said by someone famous, I’m just ignorant so you can all have a laugh at me)
Thanks Lydia – I really like that line too x
I’m fist pumping so hard for you right now! Knowing that you have taken that redundancy and then got to hear all those great speeches, the SKY is the limit for you Kirsty, you’ve got it all in you – you just have to continue to believe you can do it. And what you don’t know, just find out, knowledge is power. WOOHOO, what a fabulous great ahead you’re doing to have. I’m sure it won’t be easy but with Nathan, an incredibly support and awesome man, at your side, you’ll achieve it I have no doubt! I’m very happy you both got time to connect. As for our winter, yes we are very lucky ducks. Hugs xxxx
Aw, thanks for those words Em – just what I needed to hear. Can I hire you as my mentor/life coach? You should add that to your service offerings for Write Styling Em!
Hon, the same thing happened to me. I was made redundant and thought, fuck it, I should be writing, why the hell am I not writing??? So I am. It’s not nearly as lucrative as the corporate sector but it’s so much more rewarding and “in the pocket”. Good luck with you endeavours lovely, and you KNOW I’ll be linking up with you next week for an all-inclusive celebrity love-in! Kx
Kimberly, thanks for sharing your experience – it’s amazing to know that I’m not alone. BTW, I’m looking forward to some Cumberbatch crumpet next week… x
Huh? What do you mean? 😉
I wish I went to Problogger – totally going next year. My priorities shifted a lot when I had bub. I went from wanting a career in management and being all about work to realising theres much more important things in life and I realised the only person who really cared about what my job title was, was me. I think I spent so many years needing to be successful wanting to prove a point to others. Now I’m happy to sit here at home and roll a ball back and forth or chase her till she collapses in a fit of laughter. Sometimes the tiniest things are the most important.
I’m glad you’ve made your decision and will have the chance to be there with your kids more. Hopefully its a less stressful situation for you 🙂
I will definitely go back next year Toni – so hope you can make it so we can meet up!
My priorities have completely shifted in the last 6 months and I know this is now the right decision for me. I want to savour those special moments not brush them aside in the pace of my existing life – so pleased that you have discovered the same Toni.
It was awesome to actually meet you at long last!!! And I say, GO FOR IT. You already know my story which is very similar and although my redundancy was a shock, I love how things have turned out. You will bless the day you took that redundancy – I know I do!
Likewise Janet! Your story has always inspired me – I may come and seek some advice from time-to-time, if that’s okay?
Change sometimes brings about the BEST things! I’m stoked for you to be taking the leap! I think it will be win win for you and all your family! I’m trying to head down the path of freelance writer too. It’s a big learning curve but it fits for now. One has to push for their dream no question about it.
Love too that you got to have some time with the hubs at the Gold Coast. Sounds like I missed a rockin’ weekend. Count me in next year!
You are so right Vicki – you do need to push for your dreams, in order to have any chance to achieve them x
And you should totally be there for PBevent15 – hopefully we will be able to meet and share a drink together…
I suspect you’re not the first one to hook up with a sailor on the Gold Coast. From what I read, everyone had a great time at ProBlogger. As long as “my tribe” isn’t like Team Australia, it sounds fine by me!
Good luck with the writing – and managing that lump sum wisely.
Thank you muchly Ed. My tribe is here and I love every one of you – no Team Australia in sight!
It was so good meeting you Kirsty and sitting next to you in the Google plus session. I’m excited by what lies ahead for you and like I told you amazing things happen when we step out of our comfort zone and take a risk. Extraordinary opportunities will come your way. I know it! X
I really enjoyed meeting you as well Bec, Can I say that I can’t believe how together you are 7 weeks out from birth. PLUS I can’t believe how totally beautiful and gorgeous little Phoebe is – my ovaries were dangerously excited after I first saw her!!!!
A very big congratulations to you.
Awesome news!!
Thanks Ann – let’s hope it does lead to bigger and better things x
Woohoo!!! Good for you! This is just absolutely amazing news. As a public servant I know how hard that decision must have been. I will definitely be following your journey. Good luck 🙂 It was lovely meet you IRL. You were totally rocking that outfit 🙂
Thanks Renee – I loved meeting you too x
It has been a tough decision to make but I’m so glad I’ve made it now. No regrets at all – just excitement at the road ahead…
Yay! So glad you & Nathan are out there achieving your dreams. It was lovely to meet you both. Xx
Thanks Lisa. It was great to meet you and your husband too. I know Nathan enjoyed meeting you too. If we ever head over to WA (it is on my bucket list!) we will definitely look you guys up. All the best with the new blog too!!!!
Congrats on making a decision to follow your dream! I wish you all the absolute best xx
Thanks Tegan. I sent the formal reponse back tonight and also let my manager know. It is all very real now!!!
I am so excited for you and glad that you have decided to take the leap. As you know I am walking away from my job at the end of the year and while it’s scary and I am not sure what I am walking to, I know I have to do it.. and when you know you just know I think! Look forward to hearing more about your adventures and plans!
You are dead right – I know in my heart it’s the right move, although a lot of people will think I am mad. I’m so pleased that you are embarking on a similar journey Zita. At the very least we can support each other through the uncertain times that are sure to be a part of our journeys x
I look forward to hearing of your successes. I’m sure you’ll do well and I know for a fact many businesses are lost when it comes to applying for government grants and the like.
Thanks so much for your words of support Vanessa. I’m hoping my experience can help others – I just need to sell myself and keep believing that I can add value x
Wow, Kirsty. Talk about kismet! You must be somewhere up there in the stars right now with all the joy of what lies ahead. Jump straight in and don’t be scared – the stars will catch your fall!! x
What beautiful words – thanks so much for sharing them and lifting me up again!
Yes, it all aligned. In fact I was in one of the sessions when my estimates came through – Nathan and I played truant for the last session of the day to take a walk and talk it all over. This weekend was just what I needed to take the leap – I know in my heart it’s the right thing to do. I just need to keep the belief and keep reaching for those stars x
Go Kirsty! That is an awesome decision. Funnily enough I made the same decision this year, to resign from my job and chase my dreams. It’s scary and exhilarating all at once and there definitely needs to be ridiculous amounts of chocolate included!
Good luck to you too Kylez – it’s not an easy decision to make but it feels right so for once, I’m going to go with my gut.
Let’s say there has been a little more chocolate consumed lately than normal – hence my purchase of a FitBit to get back on track!!!
What a journey you have been on. I think we all at some point get to the stage where a change is as good as a holiday. We need a reset button to help us change the course sometimes. A redundancy package is a brilliant course changer. Thrilled to hear that you have decided to do something for yourself. The great thing about life is that while nothing is permanent, it means that we can pick up and stop when it suits us. Change can happen in a flick of the switch. Theres no such thing as failure…..its course changing! 🙂
I love this comment Sarah – it has reinforced my belief that this is the right way forward. Particularly love your statement that there is no such thing as failure – I’m going to live by that during the next few months!
Trust yourself – you will know the direction you need to go in. Its all about ebb and flow! 🙂
Congratulations. Running your own business is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences you will have. I wish I’d seen this earlier so I could have congratulated you in person. What an incredible time you’ve had lately.
Thanks Cat – I just formally accepted the offer of redundancy so no going back now… I know it’s the best thing for me and for the family right now – let’s hope I get a grip on this business-owner concept now!
I am planning new exciting things too after ProBlogger. They are dreams that I never even knew I had. Dreams I couldn’t even admit to myself. Over my time blogger, slowly, I have revealed the layers to discover these dreams. And the fabulous people I am learning to surround myself in believe in me and I am gaining the confidence to follow these dreams.
I’m not sure if I am the right person you need to ‘practice’ on, but if I am, please email me. xS
So pleased you came away as inspired as I did and thanks so much for that offer Sarah. I’m still fine-tuning everything but I will definitely get in contact once I’m ready to start ‘practicing’! I hope lots of good things come our way 🙂
Congratulations! This is so exciting! I hope it works out amazingly for you 🙂
Thanks Francesca – I’m cautiously optimistic about my new venture. Just need to get through my last few weeks of work first, before I can start focusing on the future. Exciting times are indeed ahead!